Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Fans at the 161st street subway stop on their way to the game.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. 54,251 fans wait to get into Yankee Stadium before the game.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Umpires line up and fans remove their caps for the singing of God Bless America and the honoring of a military veteran.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Aaron Hicks (left) and the bleachers of Yankee Stadium.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Yankees fans celebrate the end of an Astros’ inning.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Fans celebrate that the Yankees won.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Astros fan reminds Yankees fans that they have only won one game.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Left field seats after the game.
Bronx, New York — October 18th, 2019. Yankees couple on the 4 train after the game.